‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

The haunted villa

Writer C**

Date 24-08-25 06:21

Read 78

During our summer vacations, me and my family went to stay at a villa few hours away from my home to explore some new places in a neighbouring country. The very first day we got to our room, my dad and my little brother went to buy something to eat right away. As I'm chatting with my mom, I heard a child's laughter in the hallway, so I thought to open the door in case my brother was coming back with my dad... The hallway was empty. There was always creaking everywhere as if someone was running around but I never saw anyone who could be making that type of noise. In fact, as I got to know later, we were the only guests inside the villa that day.

The next day, I could've sworn I saw something white flying around the hallways, as if a piece of cloth or the end of a dress was levitating, but it always turned a corner when I noticed it and I never saw it again after I followed it.

My brother was also having nightmares the whole time we stayed there. Thrashing himself in the bed and mumbling about being chased by a headless horseman, the lady in white, children being creepy in general... But when I woke him up to check up on him and his sleep talk, he says he doesn't remember having those dreams. I didn't sleep that night and he didn't either after I told him what he was saying.

I'm never staying in an old villa ever again.