‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

Liminal Spaces

Writer K**

Date 24-08-25 10:28

Read 94

This story might be a little boring, but it definitely happened to me.

I've worked at various healthcare facilities over the years and some of these buildings are gigantic. One apartment complex in particular sticks out to me as being pretty creepy because the upper floors were fairly empty. It was so quiet up there, suffocatingly so. The air felt muffled and heavy, the hallways stretched on for any absurdly long distance, mostly lit but with a few lights burnt out and neglected to be replaced over time. It felt like I was in a dream.

Am I on the right floor? Why is the patient I'm supposed to see living up here? Does anyone actually live up here?

I reached the room that my patient was supposed to be in. There was no name tag on the door. I figured that I was given the wrong number. I really didn't want to knock on the door, but I did. No answer. Okay, that's it, then. They're not in there. Time to go back downstairs and figure out where I'm actually supposed to go.

But curiosity got the better of me. I knocked again. Still no answer. So I turned the doorknob and it was unlocked. Compared to the temperature-controlled hallways, the apartment itself was freezing. It didn't take long to find out because the door to the balcony was left cracked open and it was in the middle of winter. The apartment was completely empty without any furniture and the lights were off, but it was in the middle of the day. Surely no one lived here. At least, definitely not someone who was paying to live here.

As I stepped further in to the apartment against my better judgment towards the balcony door, the apartment door leading to the hallway slammed shut! This rightfully terrified me and for a moment, I thought I could hear footsteps in the hallway. Surely not. The draft from outside caused the door to shut. My mind is playing tricks on me. Guided by adrenaline, I turned around and opened the door quickly to see if there was anyone in the hallway. It was still completely empty. It had to be the wind from outside.

I decided to close the balcony door before I left to reconvene with my coworkers to find where my patient's room actually was. It turned out that they lived a couple floors below the one I went to. Maybe it's a fairly tame story, but it definitely creeped me out and scared me!