‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

My Grandma’s ceramic doll

Writer G**

Date 24-08-25 05:11

Read 88

It happened a long time ago. At that time i was really young, living with my family in Italy. One day for my birthday my grandma (who lived in the same house as us but one floor down from me) came up to me to give me a really pretty ceramic doll as a gift. At that time i didn't have much space in my room to place her so i decided to put her in my parents bedroom. I really liked that doll but there was something's strange about it: since i was a child i didn't think much about that but i've always felt like her eyes were in another position every time i looked at her but i didn't bother much about it. One night i was in my bed, my sister was already asleep next to me but for some reason i couldn't sleep. The bedroom's door is actually in front of my bed and, because of my parents, every night it has to be kept open and the lights in the hallway were always off. While i was trying to get asleep i started to hear something coming from the hallway. I looked to where the little creepy singing voice was from and i saw the lights in hallways turned on and a very small dark figure standing on the floor. The moment i realised that the ceramic doll that my grandma gave me was standing in front of me with something that looked like a knife i woke up. Apparently (and hopefully) it was a nightmare and the day after i went to my parents bedroom and the doll was gone from her original place but i didn't question anyone about that. Some days after i went downstairs to see my grandma and the doll was there: sitting on my grandma's vanity in front of her bed. I was petrified and till now i sometimes still try to convince my grandma to throw her away but she doesn't want to because she's too pretty, she says. When i sometimes go back to my family in Italy and I see that doll i still feels chills.