‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

Have I seen a ghost?

작성자 N**

작성일 24-08-23 22:21

조회수 86

There was this one time I was going back home late, it was very dark. To get to my flat, I have to cross a long corridor, that looks really eerie, especially at nights. Sometimes teenagers hang around there, and sometimes its homeless people.

That time, tho, I don't think it was one of them. I didn't pay much attention to the place, still having my headphones on. But I heard footsteps, and a weird sighing. I was close to my flat already, so I walked in really quickly, out of fear. I looked through the peephole, wanting to see what made the noise. For a second I only heard it, and tye lights flickered. It walked right next to my door, and almost didnt look,,, human? Itnwas so tall, and it wouldn't make sense how dark it was. The light was right above it, maybe not that bright, but it looked dark.

Maybe I was scared and tired, and just my imagination made a fool of me, or maybe, I actually saw a ghost of some sort.