‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

I hope it's just my illusion

Writer L**

Date 24-08-26 10:00

Read 84

When there was a sleepover event such as a camping trip in junior middle school, I was the organizer of the event. At that time, the participants and organizers were praying, and some participants who were not praying were in the classroom. It was night time, so the field was getting dark. I was assigned to check on the participants who didn't praying, but when I was already upstairs my senior said “go back to the field, it's scary there”. I was curious about what my senior was talking about, so I started approaching a class at the end. When I peeked out from the door, I saw that there were a lot of people looking at me and they were all wearing Valak-like headgear. I was surprised, why so many? It was logically impossible for that many participants not to pray, especially since some of them were non-Muslims. When I asked my friend who was guarding the class, it turned out that most of the participants were non-Muslims. So I hoped it was just my illusion.