‘WATCH OUT' Story Board


Writer N**

Date 24-08-24 18:36

Read 103

I went on a trip to Bangkok (BKK) for a university event that I wanted to attend. My two friends and I were exhausted after all the activities, so we settled in for a good night’s sleep. We said our farewells before tucking ourselves in, nice and cozy... But it wasn’t a good night because, in my dreams, I saw a Phra Phum Shrine (Spirit House). When I tried to avert my eyes from it, I couldn’t. It forced me to look into the shrine, and then... a girl in white appeared right before my eyes. It felt like she was getting closer, so I tried waking myself up but couldn’t. Panicking, I thought about what I could do to prevent anything bad from happening next, and I started praying a Buddhist prayer: นะโม ตัสสะ ภะคะวะโต อะระหะโต สัมมา สัมพุทธัสสะ.

During the first prayer, I couldn’t speak at all; it was all in my mind. I was able to open my eyes, but the hotel room was so dark, and the corner of the room looked like there was a white figure standing there. Then I started praying the second verse. It was so hard trying to open my mouth and recite the prayer; I could barely speak. The third time, I tried my best to scream the verse out loud so everyone could hear it...

I woke up and sprang out of bed. I could move my body now and realized I was in the hotel room—this time, not in a dream but in real life. I looked around and saw that my two friends had also woken up. They said they heard my prayer, which woke them up... and then they told me that in their dreams, they saw a girl in white trying to approach them too. We all dreamt about the same mysterious girl.


I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t recited the prayer.