‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

the shadow

Writer C**

Date 24-08-24 00:35

Read 82

one night I was staying at home alone. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a pair of glowing red eyes looking at me. I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. I told it to go away, but when I tried to open my eyes again I couldn't. I counted to ten and waited because I thought that I was dreaming. When I could finally open my eyes again, I didn't see the eyes anymore but could see a black shadowy figure standing by my closet. I told it to go away again, but then the room turned cold and I hid under my blankets. I told myself to go to sleep. I woke up one more time and felt a heavy weight on my body, as if someone was sitting on me. I didn't want to open my eyes but I couldn't move  my arms or legs to push it off. I tried as hard as I could to roll over or move, but I was stuck. I told it to go away again, that I wasn't afraid anymore, and I was finally able to go to sleep.