‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

The Pillar

Writer y**

Date 24-08-24 00:05

Read 77

"Have you ever heard of the pillar in Block 50?" My friend asked us.

The Pillar. It was said that someone died during the construction of the school, to cover the incident up, they buried the body inside the walls of the school, specifically block 50. 

Unfortunately, for me and my friends, we had to walk past that block today because of a classroom change. How lucky. 

We clutched our bags and laptops as we reach the infamouse block. We gripped onto each others' hands tightly as we walked past the each and every pillar we see. 

"Why must our classroom be at the end of the hallway?" I winced as I kept looking down at my feet, afraid to look up in case any thing happens. 

Knock. Knock. Knock. 

Our bodies shivered.

Knock. Knock. Knock. 

"Don't look up. Don't look behind. Keep walking. Faster." One of my friends instructed us. 

We ran as fast as we could, chasing our breaths until we finally reached our classroom. We slammed open the door, our teacher looking at us as if we were crazy.