‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

the knitting girl

Writer K**

Date 24-08-23 23:34

Read 70

     My house has always been strange. It's an old house in an old neighborhood in an old state, so it's bound to have some mysteries.

     When I was younger, my family was redoing our garage when we knocked out a wall and found a secret area that had been walled off. The dust on the floor was about an inch deep, and the whole space was just big enough for a small child to fit in. my younger brother crawled in to see what he could find, and he came back out covered in dust with a single knitting needle and a red crayon clutched in his hands. I wondered, "who used to play in this room, and why was it sealed off?"

     More recently, I was home alone and it was getting dark out. I decided to leave the family room (which is connected to the garage), head upstairs, and get ready for bed, so I turned off the lights and went. A few minutes later, I was in the kitchen getting some water before bed when I noticed that the family room light was still shining, even though I was confident that I had turned it off. I carefully went down and made sure no one had snuck into my house before turning the light off again and going back upstairs, but I couldn't help but wonder if a little girl from a long time ago had just wanted to finish her knitting with the lights on. Nothing else like that has happened since, but I'll be watching just in case.