‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

is there something in the wall

작성자 g**

작성일 24-08-25 14:52

조회수 70

one time in the middle of the night I was on my phone laying in bed. it was 2 in the morning and everyone in my house was asleep except me. it was quiet until suddenly my door slammed open against the wall. I shot up in my bed and saw my dog standing at my door. I shone my light towards him but he just stood frozen in the dimly lit doorway. I tried snapping my fingers and calling out but he was unresponsive. eventually he walked towards the other side of my room and just stared at the wall. I did not understand what he was looking at as it was just a blank wall. I got up and tried to grab his attention or move him out of my room, but he just firmly stood staring at this wall. I sat on my bed and just watched his eyes glued to it. eventually after a few minutes he snapped out of this daze and left my room. I still wonder what he was staring at, was there something I could not see? I always heard that dogs can see things that we cant.