‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

Roady's Nightmare House

작성자 M**

작성일 24-08-24 05:58

조회수 110

When I was a tiny roady, I lived in a house with an attic. I never went up there, but I would hear the scariest things at night. I could never sleep well due to the sounds of a baby crying and what sounded like footsteps above me. My parents either never noticed it or chose to ignore it, but I hated it. I was so happy when we moved out of that house, but... What always stuck with me is an odd visitor we had.


One day, there was a knock at our door. As a brave little roady, I answered it to see a young couple. They immediately asked if the rumors were true that the house is haunted, and I was shocked. I never said anything, but I got my mother and she told them no; they left a bit after. But why did they know the house was haunted..? I've always wondered about that, but I never want to go back there to find out. Ever since then, even though I'm very much an adult roady now, I still sleep with a night light and noise maker - just in case.