‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

The oujia board

작성자 T**

작성일 24-08-24 05:13

조회수 135

Have you ever heard of a oujia board?

A ouija board is a board that is used to contact spirits. Basically it's a wooden board with the english alphabet on it including numbers. On the bottom are the words "Yes" and "No". To use a oujia board there is a tiny piece called a Planchette. With this you and a few other friends gather around the board and each place two fingers on the planchette. To begin you move it around in a circle three times and ask, "Is anybody here." After that a "spirit" will also place two fingers on the planchette and begin to move it to the letters to spell out something. The main point of this game is that the humans are not supposed to move the planchette. 

 I have played it.

It was me and my two friends. We had regularly hung out and loved all things spooky so we decided to buy and olay the ouijia board. We all pretty much thought it was joke but still made sure to follow the rules properly.

Rule 1: Never play alone 

Rule 2. Never ask about the future 

Rule 3. Always say goodbye 

So after waiting until it was dark outside we got the oujia board and started playing. Three times around the board, "Is anybody here." Nothing happened for a bit so we all took turns asking until finally- it started to move. I looked at my friends smiling as the planchette moved towards the "Yes."

"Okay. Who's moving it?" i asked them 

They both said, "Not me I promise." and had a worried look on their face.

After a few simple questions my friend decided to ask about her grandma. Her grandma had just recently passed away so she wanted to see if she could summon her through the oujia board. She asked a few personal questions only her grandma would know and surprisingly the board got them all correct. We all giggled thinking it really was her grandma but at the same time I was still skeptical they were moving the planchette themselves. That was until we asked the spirits name.

Out of all three of us I considered myself the most knowledgeable on most things spooky. I did a lot of research on the topic in the past. So after we asked the spirits name I froze in fear as it was a very familiar one.

The planchette moved and spelled out the name "Zozo". My friends looked confused but I had heard that name before.

It was a common name for the to spell out. It was associated to a very scary spirit usually referred to as a "Demon". I looked at my friends and asked if they'd ever heard the name and they shook their heads no. They had no reason to lie. I told them let's stop and say goodbye and they did with no questions asked. 

Later I had told them that spirit was famous for lying through the oujia board and pretending to be realitives that had passed away. 

Needless to say we never played it again.