‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

the knocking

작성자 s**

작성일 24-08-24 02:43

조회수 66

It was 5am and I was home alone. No one was in the house except me, who was laying on my bed. It was still dark outside and there was silence in the streets. The birds weren't chirping nor there was any type of traffic noise outside, just dead silence. I wasn't able to sleep since i wasn't used to being home alone. But then i heard a knock. It was 5am so who could be at the door? i ignored it and tried to drift my mind somewhere else but then i heard it again. My heart stopped beating and i tried to control my breathing so i can hear it clearly, just in case i was hearing things in my head. But the knocking still continued, i couldn't do anything since i felt frozen to the spot. The noise didn't go and still continued, i tried to cover myself with my blanket so the voice would be lower but it didn't help at all. I started hyperventilating and cover my ears with my hands. I started to shake so much so i tried to close my eyes. Later i woke up and i checked the time, it was 8am. I don't know who made that noise but I'm glad that i was able to sleep and escape it.
