‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

Spoooky dream

Writer W**

Date 24-08-23 21:37

Read 153

The spookiest things are the ones that your brain thinks off while you're asleep. My scariest experience was a dream I had while on vacation.

I was in a car with my brother, and we were parked between two other cars. Suddenly, a small boy approched my window and started knocking. His eyes were pure white and instead of pupils had a "z" letter. I ignored him for a bit, but eventually decided to check out what he wants. When I got out of the car, all he did was drop on my back and start sleeping. It was uncomfortable, but fine, at first.

Suddenly, he started stabbing me with his fingers. From the sides with both of his hands he took his fingers and started punching them into my sides. It wasn't tickling, it was outright painful, and I could feel it all in my dream. I tried to run away from him, but he followed me in every step like a zombie, trying to go back to sleep on my back.

Somehow I was able to let go of him and get back in the car. But then, the buildings that were in front of the car collapses. They were fake, a part of a set, and from a distance I saw a whole crowd of people with the same "z" in their eyes slowly inching to the car.

I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. To this day I'm terrified that the pain I felt during the dream was real, and that someone was doing that to me while I was sleeping in the middle of the night.