‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

Possession? Or strange sleep paralysis?

Writer A**

Date 24-08-31 12:53

Read 57

Back when I was in middle school I was a chronic insomniac, not sleeping till 2 or 3 in the morning. I was living in the basement. It had always felt a little off, and some of the rooms made you feel like you were being watched, but not much had happened except for a few odd and unexplainable noises. But one night I had fallen alseep on my couch well after midnight. I hadn't slept for long until I had felt odd and had started to slowly wake up. My head felt swimmy and my body felt weightless. It was like I wasn't completely there. I had brushed off the feeling as me being a little groggy from just waking up, but something felt off. My heart was beating quickly and the sound of it was so loud in my ears, it was something I had never felt before. I'd had panic attacks but this was different. By this point I had sat up, and had realised that I felt more than a little off, I felt not like myself. Suddenly, from seemingly out of nowhere I was filled with this burning anger, and that's when the voice came. Along with the rage, a man's voice screamed out in my head, "Where is it? They're hiding it from us!" he went on and on about this thing they were hiding. He sounded so angry. I felt so angry, but this anger was not mine. I wasn't feeling this, and yet my body responded like I was. Then not by choice I grabbed the blankets on the couch and threw them to the ground, clearly I was searchiong for something but I had no idea what. It was like I was just watching it happen. Watching my body do something I didn't want it to do. I wasn't present in my own body. All I could do was was pace around the room, both scared and unnaturally out of control. every step I took shook through my body and every freaked out panicy breath shuddered through my lungs. I was not fully myself, some mans voice continued to yell in my head while I watched me do things and feel things I wasn't actually feeling. Eventually, the voice stopped, I still felt not compeltely in control, I was hyperaware of every felling in my body figuring out was was me and what wasn't. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night, because everytime I'd close my eyes and begin to drift off, I'd start to feel myself lose control. It only happened once more after that but by that point I had already known what to expect and how to deal with it, it hasn't happened since. I still don't really know what happened those two nights, but I don't think I want to find out.