‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

ghost sister

Writer N**

Date 24-08-23 21:21

Read 299

when i was in middle school, i was getting ready for school, during this time i was home alone in the mornings... my parents and older brother were at work... and my younger siblings were at school, i heard footsteps coming up the stairs i was shocked at first thinking "who must that be everyone is out of the house" i thought it could've been my older brother... maybe something happened while at work for him to get back so early in the morning but no... the footsteps were reaching the top of the stairs and when  turned to look who was there from the end of the hallway i see a ghostly imagine of my younger sister walking past and stoping to look at me. It was sooo scary, like it was her but in a shadowy demonic way... i called for her name over and over again but no answer... then i had the courage to go down the hallway where the bathroom leads the end of the hallway and no one was there and i looked around the whole house and no one was there besides me... i ran to schoool sooo fast thats day and told anyone i could but no one would believe me :( ill never forget this spooky morning