‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

The Ghost In The Hat

Writer M**

Date 24-08-24 10:28

Read 91

This story is told by my mother, and I am writing it in her perspective.


I was staying in Chimbote, Peru, with a host family that was letting me live in their house at the time. One night while sleeping there, I woke up to a person standing at the end of my bed. I could not see this person's face, and they were dressed in all black, wearing a hat with a rounded top and a wide brim. As I watched, they turned and slowly crept from one side of the room to another, and then disappeared. I did my best to fall back asleep, then told my host family what had happened the next morning. The mother must have known what I was describing when I spoke, because she went to her own room and returned with a rounded, navy hat with a wide brim, saying, "is this the hat?" The hat that she held was the hat I had seen on the dark figure. It belonged to her dead mother.