‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

A Rude Awakening

Writer L**

Date 24-08-24 09:52

Read 96

This happened when my grandparents and other relatives went on a trip to Arizona. My parents and brother were house sitting until they returned. All was well until one night. It would start to get late, meaning we’d be off to bed soon. My brother was staying in one room, while I was in another. He was with one of my aunts, so he was watching tv for some time. I was with my other aunt, who was sleeping at the time. Around midnight, my brother felt as if something passed by the bedroom door, scurrying towards the other one. He jumped up and closed the door quickly and turned off the tv. I was asleep when he saw that go to the room I was in. I don’t remember what I was dreaming about that time, but I do remember the feeling of someone or something slowly choking and holding me down. I was fighting, trying to get up and breathe until I finally rose up quickly. I didn’t wake my aunt up, worried that I’d scare her. I was just relieved and really frightened. To this day I sometimes think about what that could have been lurking in the dark.  I told my grandmother about it, and she recalled small amounts of paranormal activity. So was it all a dream, or was something really out there trying to get me?