‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

birthday night..

Writer d**

Date 24-08-24 08:46

Read 85

When I was five years old, me and my family moved in a new country. And there I met two sisters, they were twins. They were a few years older than me but they still accepted me to be their friend. Fast-forward to my sixth birthday, I invited my relatives and decided to also invite the twins. I honestly can't remember much from that day but it's a day that I'll never forget. My house has four floors, my room being on the third I could always hear noises in the attic which went from above the hallway all the way above my room. I thought that it was a mouse or something, because the house was still pretty new we didn't have anything up in the attic. I decided to look through my gifts as I was getting ready to go to bed. Then I came across the gift the twins gave me, when I looked inside it was a book and a cat toy. I picked the book up and saw that it had no cover, and no title. I opened the book as I saw the first page saying "don't show this to anyone." I didn't think much of it so I started looking through it. There were drawings of a little cat and three girls. One was shorter than the other two. The drawings we're normal, just three young girls playing with toys, I can't remember much about the drawings but there's this one page that I'll never forget, the last page, it was the short girl and a cat looking up at an attic door, and I must admit that it kinda looked like my attic door. I didn't think much of it and I thought it was just a fun game. I put the book back in the bag along with the cat toy then I tried to go to sleep. When I started falling asleep I suddenly heard a loud bang on the hallway. I was so scared to check that I hid under the blanket. After that I started hearing someone calling my name and whispering "where did the cat go? Did you take the cat?" I thought it was my mom, but I didn't have any pets so I was confused, I didn't know what she was looking for. I decided to peek through the door and saw that the attic door was open and there was a light inside. I was too scared to go and check so I layed back down thinking it was just a dream. The next day I woke up to my mom entering my room and asking me if I went in the attic. I said that I didn't and that the twins were in there playing last night. But mom told me that the twins wanted to move out of town two days ago but decided to stay one more day for my birthday. I checked the gift to see if the book was still in there and it wasn't. But the cat toy still was. Even if it would have been a dream, how did my dream come up with the same car toy even if I didn't see the gift before going to sleep, and how was the attic door open..

It's been years since that day and I never saw them again. The attic door still opens at night and in the day time, my parents said that it's from the wind. I must admit that I can't stop thinking about them every time the attic door opens.