‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

Who was next to me?

Writer P**

Date 24-08-24 05:31

Read 91

When I was younger, I used to sleep in the same bed as my twin sister when we would be at our GrandParent's house.

The room we slept in had always an eerie feeling to it, to me at least. If I had a dream, it would always be creepy and end in me not surviving, wether it be someone breaking in the house or a fantasy dream. Those dreams always felt too real so much so that you could mistake it for a memory.

The worst night was when the moon was really bright and I had woken up from my sleep. I was facing the left towards the window, the moon shone so bright that rays of light sneaked out of the blinds. The atmosphere was really creeping me out for some reason and so for comfort I turned to my right where my sister would be. To my complete horror I saw a mumified body that looked nothing like my twin, it was all white and wrinkly whith patches of long black hair. I quickly hid back under the covers and closed my eyes, telling myself that this wasn't real and that I probably just looked to fast so it was probably just my sister sleeping next to me. 

All went black and I was facing the window again, this time the moon was a lot less bright and all felt more normal. To make sure that the body wasn't next to me, I carefully checked to my right but my sister wasn't in the bed. I could see the yellowish light from the bathroom, meaning that my sister was in the bathroom. That obviously went against my attempt at staying realistic and calming me down so I ended up not being able to sleep that night.

My grandparents moved away a couple years later but I still wonder if that room still has that creepy feeling to it.
