‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

full moon

Writer u**

Date 24-08-24 05:18

Read 83

One night I was home alone because my parents and my sisters were at work. They usualy would come home at 2 or 3 am but that night they came at 4 am because they had a lot of work. This happened a month or 2 months ago I don't remember well. Until some days ago I realised that everyday for the past few months I wasn't feeling well when it was the full moon or something strange happened. When I was home alone and I would always close all the doors in all my house because I am scared of the dark. That night was the full moon and I was sitting in the sofa and watching tv and in front of the sofa is the door that takes you directly to the balcony and I could clearly see the full moon. It was like 1-2 am when I heard noises from upstairs (antic because I live in an appartament) like a person walking but no one lives there and there aren't even lights. That place was always closed and my neighbor that lives near me was out of town. I was scared but after a while the footsteps stoped and I got my pc to play smth or to get at least distracted. After like 30 mins my pc went all black with pink and neo green lines and than went all black. After that I saw a black shadow in the balcony and the wind started. I was almost peeing my pants and I closed the door even if here (Italy) was hot. I was so scared that I called my mom saying that I had anxiety because if I told that to her what really happened she wouldn't belive me. I was still talking with my mom (she told me to try and fall asleep) I closed my eyes to at least calm down. I fell asleep but still I was hearing my mom working and I heard again footsteps but coming from my room. I opened my eyes and I putted some music from the tv to at least not hear anymore because I understood that something was wrong there. After some time I fell asleep and when my family came they said (next morning) that they called me but I just moved and didn't wake up so they went all to sleep and left me sleeping in the sofa. That night (before this happened) my window wasn't even open to say that it was the wind with the sound. I'm always scared to stay alone when is full moon. Anyway you all stay safe out there.
