‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

Home Alone

Writer T**

Date 24-08-24 04:53

Read 77

It was a normal night like no other.

Inwas winding down getting ready for bed - i had an early shift the next morning so I made sure Inwas in bed pretty early. Mom told me she'd be gone for the night but I knew I wouldn't be alone because my brother and sister were there. I told her that was fine but asked if I could sleep in her room while she was gone.

Her bed was always more comfortable so when she wasn't home I liked to sleep in there. She told me that was fine so when it came night time I took all my stuffed and headed to her room. It was supposed to storm that night but storms never really bothered me back then. After getting comfy and setting my alarms I drifted to sleep. 

Moms room is in the back of the house; very small and usually very cold. You can't hear anything outside the door once it's close. To me , I enjoy the silence when i'm sleeping so I had no problem with this but that was until I woke up to a noise on the room. 

My eyes popped open because i've always been a light sleeper. I peered through the darkness adjusting my vision the best I could but I couldn't see much. At times like this I always regretted sleeping in dark but it was the only way I could fall asleep. After not seeing anything and sitting up for a bit I laid back down. I was drifting back to sleep until I felt the bed move. It almost felt as if someone was sitting on it. You know that feeling you get when you think someone is watching you? I felt that except it was just me under the covers in the dark alone. And nobody should be in here with me. 

I didn't move I stayed completely still. I could feel the bed moving more towards my feet the weight shifting. It kept moving until it felt like it was hovering over me almost. Like it was waiting for me to do something. I did nothing I stayed as still as possible. 

Eventually , I fell back asleep. The next time I woke up it was my 4am alarm going off for work. I got up turned on the lights and walked out of the room. But something felt off. All the lights in the house were on and the back door was cracked open. I thought it may have been my sister or brother but after looking outside to the driveway their cars were gone. 

No one was home except me.

It was pouring down rain outside now and I had to leave otherwise i'd be late to work. I brushed everything off and pushed it to the back of my head. 

I still have no idea what happened that night but I never slept in moms room again.