‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

The Hospital Road

Writer m**

Date 24-08-23 23:41

Read 85

Beware: My True Story

I have never told anyone this story before because me and my classmates were scared that "they" might find us. 

6 years ago, when me and my classmates were all 14 years old. It was our last school year together as a class as we were changing our classes the next year. It was a tradition to hold a class party together, therefore the 10 of us decided to hold a 3 day2 night party at a chalet. We booked the chalet and we were all excited for the party. 

The day arrived and we finally reached our venue. One of us looks at the map, wondering where this chalet was close to, we discovered that an abandoned hospital was just a road away from us. They joked about going to the hospital, but I just laughed it off, not thinking that they were serious about it. 

I went off to the showers and washed up for the night. I came out of the bathroom. All I heard... was silence. No bustling voices, no music being played or the sound of the tv on. 

Pure silence. 

I panicked a little, thinking I was alone in this huge house. I immediately opened all 3 bedrooms, discovering that there was still 2 of my classmates in one of the rooms. I heaved a sigh of relief and asked them, "Where are the rest?"

"They just went to find the bicycle rental shop to night cycle."

Oh. Right, everyone was talking about wanting to cycle at night until the next morning came. 

The three of us decided to stay together in that one room for the night, thinking that the rest will not come back then. 


We heard the door swing open with a loud BANG. 

We rushed to the door immediately, it was just the 7 of them, coming back from their adventure. 

"Wait, I thought you guys wanted to night cycle?" We asked them, wondering why they came back so early. 

"We couldn't find it. We actually got kind of lost back there. But thankfully someone helped us find our way." One of them replied, so casually. 

We raised our eyebrows, "What do you mean someone?" 

"A group of other people just brought us back because maps was not working, we even passed by the old hospital and took a picture with them." Another one answers, lying down on the couch. 

He showed us the phone with the picture they took. The three of us took the phone and wondered, "What do you mean there were others? There is only the 7 of you." 

They could not believe what they heard from our mouths. All 7 of them passed the phone around, only to realise the supposed "group of friends" they met, was not there in the picture. 

It was merely. a. blank. space. behind. them. 

Let's just say, we left the chalet immediately. 

A year later, me and one of the same classmates were in a history class together. The teacher was talking about the same, old, abandoned hospital that my previous classmates encountered, to learn more about the days of how the hospital was used. 


"What?" I replied to my classmate. 

"That lady over there? That nurse? That's one of the girls we saw." He looked at me with shaky eyes.