‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

The moving glass of water

Writer A**

Date 24-08-23 23:21

Read 65

It was a summer night 2 years ago. My sister and I were home alone, watching a movie in the living room in the dark, with only the light of a lamp illuminating the room. Later in the night my cell phone started running out of battery so I reached over to the glass table where I had the charger near an almost empty glass of water. I pulled the charger to the right to connect it to the phone when suddenly the glass moved in the same direction, and there was nothing touching the glass. I felt a chill down my spine although I didn't think it was anything strange, so i tried pulling the charger again and the glass moved again by itself. The glass table lets you see what's underneath and there was nothing that could move the glass, so I ran out of the room with my sister and that night I slept with a light on, not knowing to this day what (or who) moved the glass.