‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

My beloved cat

Writer C**

Date 24-08-23 22:52

Read 109

To my beloved cat:

When I was little, whenever I left home, I took my best friend, my stuffed cat. It was a white and orange cat with a pinky little bow on his nake, when I squeeze his paw he meowed. One winter day I was walking with my parents in the park and we saw a white and orange cat running in front of us, I was excited because it looked a lot like my stuffed animal. I looked at my parents again, but there was something strange, they didn't have my cat. I don't know if I lost it or even didn't get it out of the house. The next day we went out again and I found the stuffed animal on the floor of the same place where I had seen the cat, but it was completely run over. Crying I went home with my stuffed animal, I washed it and went to sleep. That night I started to hear a cat miaowing, something that scared me because we didn't have pets. I heard it over and over again very close to me. Suddenly, I looked next to me and found the stuffed animal lying on my bed miaowing in a very strange way. I was so scared that I warned my parents in a rush and they decided to throw it right away, in case the mechanism was broken. I felt really relieved but also empty, still hearing that meow. The following week, the stuffed animal appeared again lying on the floor of my room.