‘WATCH OUT' Story Board

Girl in the mirror

Writer N**

Date 24-08-23 22:02

Read 91

The atmosphere was eerie. I woke up in the middle of the night, my sleep playlist sounding slightly off, it was weirdly darker than regular, and for some reason the door to my room was open, and I remembered closing it. I left my - weirdly uncomfy - bed, wanting to see what's wrong with the rest of the house. There was something slightly off in each room.

Last place I checked was the bathroom. I heard a noise out, and the door shut, and lights turned off. I screamed, scared, and saw my reflection in the mirror. It wasn't me. I screamed louder, when the girl, that was supposed to be my reflection, got out of the mirror and reached for me.

I don't know what happened, I blacked out, and later woke up again in my room. Everything being slightly of... This time, tho, I stayed in my bed until the sun came up.