‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

A Dark Night

작성자 c**

작성일 24-09-14 18:28

조회수 10

It was a dark and still night.

The two of us were alone in the building. We were sitting upstairs facing the wall at our desks, editing videos for our YouTube channel that we had just filmed. When we film, we turn off the air conditioning so that the sound does not interfere with the video. We had the window open to cool down the room, but there was not a lot of wind. Because of this, we had opened the door of the room to have more air flow. We were playing music through our computer and we had the lights off to reduce eye strain. The sole light sources were coming from the open window in front of us and our computers.

We were focused on editing our videos, when all of a sudden, we heard a SLAM! We looked at each other -startled- and then looked behind us to find that the door was shut. As it slammed, one of us threw our phone across the room because of how loud it was. We were frozen still for a couple of minutes after that. We tried to debunk the door closing by itself from the wind by getting up and pushing it shut, but it's too close to the ground, and drags on the carpet so it would not be easy to move with a simple gust of wind. We verified that it was not us or the wind. Whoever or whatever did it, did it out of sheer anger because that door really SLAMMED shut.

After a while, one of us had to go downstairs for a bit and then came back upstairs, having the feeling of being chased up the stairs and through the hallway.

A few hours later, we were both ready to go downstairs for the night. Before we opened the door, we heard something hit the closed door. We looked at each other in astonishment again. 

When we mustered up the courage to finally open the door and leave, we opened it and went down the stairs, shutting off the lights as we went. At the bottom of the steps, one of us lingered in the doorway for a second to hit the lightswitch. At that moment, at the top of the stairs, was a tall person darker than the rest of the dark room. Out of fear, we slammed the door shut and ran away.

We both had to go outside a little while later. When we both glanced up at the window of the room that we were previously in, we saw nothing but the darkness. But something was watching us. 

It was an eventful night... but not the only one we've had. Unfortunately.