‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

Man in the Attic

작성자 K**

작성일 24-09-08 07:42

조회수 28

When I was younger, my mom took my brother and I to a museum. The museum had an old house that the tour guide was showing us, and some actors around the house. The actors would wear clothes that were from the 1800s, before the house was part of a museum. 

The last step of the tour was the attic, and the tour guide sent the guests up alone, since she didn't want to go up. It was strange, but we all went upstairs into the attic. As everyone was looking around, I saw a man standing by a barrel. He smiled and waved to me. He was wearing a gray suit that looked old. I turned to my mom to show her, because I thought his outfit was cool. The attic was small, so the rest of the group heard me tell my mom about the actor I saw, and I was confused when instead of looking, everyone starting pushing to rush out of the attic. 

It was only until later I found out what the tour guide said before we all went upstairs.

There are no actors in the attic.