‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

Haunted doll(?)

작성자 L**

작성일 24-09-01 06:49

조회수 50

When I was in middle school and living in my old house, we had an old neighbor who is now deceased. She was very nice but probably didn't know that I hated dolls like Barbies for example. And to please me, one day, she gave me a porcelain doll that was just terrifying, at least for me. Back home I wanted to put it on a shelf in my room but it scared me too much. So I decided to put it in the playroom next to my room. More precisely in a box with other toys that could be closed using movable handles. I go to bed then wake up after a good night, then without really wanting to, I look at my shelf out of the corner of my eye and.. Surprise, the doll that should normally be in the closed box in the next room was on the shelf. So I thought that before I went to bed, I either imagined putting it in the box or that my mother had put it back there thinking that I had lost it. So I put it back in the box, the day passed, I went to bed and the next morning the doll was there again. Scared, I asked my mother if she was the one who had put it back in my room to which she replied no. That same day, I invited a friend to my house and while showing her the doll, I accidentally dropped it and it broke between the hair and the head. I put it back in the box and nothing weird happened after that. I am now in my third and final year of high school (in France) and this story still haunts me.


Hello Xikers KProfile author here, I'm really happy with the way KQ entertainment is promoting his new comeback. I'm participating by writing this story that happened to me and can't wait for the next music to come out. I also thank you for taking care of Junghoon's health, who I hope will return in better health. Thanks for reading: Lea kpop 3M