‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

Almost every night, I have the same nightmare.

작성자 S**

작성일 24-08-24 10:49

조회수 350

They say that dreams reflect the things we hide deep in our hearts -- our greatest desires, but also our greatest fears. Even though I'm tired, I'm afraid to go to sleep. When I close my eyes, I always see scary things and have different nightmares every night, but there's one nightmare I see often.


I don't know it's happening until it does. All of a sudden, I'm running. Why am I running? What am I running from? I don't know, but for some reason, I know I have to run. My heart beats loudly in my chest each time, and fear makes my body cold. I look behind me and there's nothing there, but sometimes I feel it's because I'm too scared to look closer. I've run through abandoned warehouses, houses with infinite doors, and other places I'm too scared to remember.


But for some reason, I never wake up from the nightmares. I'm always trying to find a way out -- a new passage to take, a new place where the unknown scary thing can't catch me. I'm desperate to find a solution. I only wake up from my nightmare when, in it, I give up and can't run anymore.


Before I go to sleep, I always pray for a beautiful dream, but why doesn't it come? I'm not saying that I never have beautiful dreams, but whenever they come, I think to myself that it's not possible to dream them, and then I wake up from them too soon. I try desperately to hang on to them, to continue the dreams, but I never can. I cherish these dreams so much.



Good luck on the comeback, xikers! Take care and eat your meals. Thank you xikers and xikers staff for these fun comeback activities! <3