‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

If i didnt go back that time, will i die?

작성자 q**

작성일 24-08-24 02:38

조회수 80

So this is the story of when i was around 17, that sunday morning was just like a usual morning i had my whole life, i watch some cartoon and then just walk around my house to not feel bored, at that time i remember my father was washing his car outside of the house. me feeling bored decided to just lay myself on the couch in the living room and upon hearing the sound of water being splashed about and the serene vibes of sunday i drifted to sleep.

I didnt even realize i was falling asleep because suddenly i felt my body trembling so hard, i force to open my eyes only to see the exact same scene i saw before i lay down, the sight of my father washing his car, but i feel weird, i felt my body was so light then i look around me and noticing i kinda saw my surrounding in a somehow higher place then i look down on the floor only to find my body still laying on the couch, disclaimer before this happen i have been reading about astral projection and always curious how it feels like, i even tried to do it a few times but of course i never success, and realizing that this is maybe that situation where my spirit seperate from my body, i freaked out but excited. 

I was floating above my own body like i'm swimming i even thought about flying or floating higher outside my house even thinking the possibility to travel while being in this "ghost" state, but after no longer than 1 minute i started to realize i didnt know how to get back to my own body, and if i didnt come back would i die? or would some spirit use my body as a shell to live life again and leaving my spirit wandering the nothingness? panicked, i decided to swim above my body until i was just about 5cm from it, i tried to enter it the way spirit tried to enter a body in a movie, i dont remember how it felt but i didnt succeeded on the first try i just keep trying and trying to "spirit" to my body until i started to tremble so hard again and thats when i really open my eyes, laying on a couch and sitting up, i tried getting up and touched my face to confirm that i'm really back into my body and i am, i'm glad i managed to woke up that time and after that i didnt really read or curious in the astral projection again, i just felt relieved my accidental astral projection was safe with no other unknown spirit around me so it became a not so scary memories for me.