‘WATCH OUT’ 사연 게시판

a ghost is haunting me

작성자 R**

작성일 24-08-24 01:34

조회수 96

When I was 9, I moved into a new apartment and I was going to go to a new school. While I was getting ready for school, I went to the balcony to hang my wet clothes. I closed the balcony door on my way out so that flies wouldn't get in. When I was done, I tried opening the door to get back in. The door was locked. No one else was around because they were all getting ready, my parents for work and my older sister for school. Being 9 years old, I (naturally) started freaking out and I started screaming for help as loud as I could. My parents heard my screams from their bedroom and unlocked the door. When I look back at that story, I feel pretty stupid because they obviously wouldn't leave without me. After that, nothing scary really happened to me for a while.

A few months ago, while I was in math class doing my work, I felt someone pat my head and tell me that I was doing well. When I looked back, there was no one there. I asked my friends around me if they saw someone doing that to me, they said that no one was there. I was probably imagining it so I ignored it. A few weeks later, I was listening to music. A song called "Monster" started playing and my hand started shaking uncontrollably. I wasn't feeling stressed or anything, I wasn't thinking of anything  that would make me react in that way so it was weird when it happened . I listened to the same song in school and my hand started shaking again. My friend saw me and told me not to listen to that song again (?). After that, I started seeing a lot of weird things fly by and hear random noises. I could be hallucinating, but the thing is that my friend had seen the exact same things as me. "Did you just see that?" "Yeah, what is that?" Sometimes it would be some blue light or it would be a loud noise. It was really creepy to think about afterwards.

After 4 years, I'm finally moving to a new house and a new school but they also might be haunted. Maybe if I listen to xikers new song a lot, it will scare the ghosts away hehe. Good luck on your comeback!